Monitoring Buildings During Both The Construction And Exploitation Phases

Sensors make
your work better

Implementing continuous monitoring, consultants gain a comprehensive understanding of a building's quality, allowing them to offer superior service to their customers. This not only increases their clients' sense of security during construction but also saves them money in the long run.

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and move forward

Monitoring Buildings During Both The Construction And Exploitation Phases

By implementing continuous monitoring, consultants gain a comprehensive understanding of a building's quality, allowing them to offer superior service to their customers. This not only increases their clients' sense of security during construction but also saves them money in the long run. Furthermore, advisors who use Sensor Network technology are viewed as experts who keep up with the latest trends in construction. This enhances their reputation and increases the likelihood of future collaboration with their clients. The sensor solution is designed to streamline the advisor's work and provide better service in less time. It reduces expenses by eliminating the need for repeated trips to conduct moisture measurements and generates automated reports, saving hours of work. This results in cost savings on dehumidifiers and the ability to take on more cases. Overall, clients find the sensor system easy to use and appreciate the simple overview of ongoing projects and critical points that it provides.